Robert De Niro’s assistant reveals actor’s ‘creepy’ requests, says felt ‘physically uncomfortable’

Robert De Niro's assistant reveals actor's 'creepy' requests, says felt ‘physically uncomfortable’

Robert De Niro Faces Lawsuit Over Allegations of Inappropriate Requests by Former Assistant

Robert De Niro, a Hollywood legend known for his remarkable acting career, is currently making headlines for reasons other than his cinematic successes. His former assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, has filed a lawsuit against the 80-year-old actor, alleging that he made inappropriate and “creepy” requests that left her feeling “physically uncomfortable.” This ongoing trial at the Manhattan Federal Court has shed light on the disturbing allegations, with Graham’s emotional testimony.

Robert De Niro Faces Lawsuit Over Allegations of Inappropriate Requests by Former Assistant

The Lawsuit

Graham Chase Robinson, who worked for Robert’s company, Canal Productions, from 2008 to 2019, has accused the actor of gender discrimination during her tenure. The core of her allegations revolves around De Niro’s requests that she deemed inappropriate and disturbing.

Uncomfortable Requests

Graham claimed that Robert De Niro asked her to scratch his back, an act she described as “creepy” and “disgusting.” She testified that she offered the suggestion of using a back scratcher, to which De Niro responded, “I prefer the way you do it.” This made her feel physically uncomfortable, and she found the actor’s insistence unsettling.

In his defense, De Niro admitted to asking for a back scratch “once or twice” but maintained that it was never intended with any disrespect. The courtroom is left to determine the intent behind these requests.


Additionally, Graham alleged that De Niro referred to her as a “b****” on two or three occasions during her employment. She found this name-calling hurtful and demeaning, further contributing to her claims of a hostile work environment.

Two specific instances of alleged name-calling were highlighted. One occurred when a fire broke out at De Niro’s NYC townhouse, and Graham was listed as an emergency contact. She testified that De Niro berated her for trying to remove her name from the security company’s emergency contact list. The second incident took place in December 2017 when De Niro was upset over missing Christmas presents in the office.

Legal Battle

Graham’s $12 million lawsuit was filed four years ago, shortly after De Niro had sued her for alleged misuse of the company’s accounts. These legal proceedings have brought to light the contentious relationship between the two parties, with each side presenting their version of events.

De Niro’s Girlfriend’s Testimony

Robert De Niro’s girlfriend, Tiffany Chen, who has also been embroiled in the legal battle, referred to Graham as “psychotic” in her testimony. This highlights the complexity of the case and the differing perspectives surrounding the allegations.


The ongoing trial is expected to last for two weeks and will ultimately reveal the outcomes of both lawsuits. Graham Chase Robinson’s allegations against Robert De Niro have sparked a contentious legal battle, drawing attention to issues of workplace conduct, gender discrimination, and inappropriate requests in the entertainment industry.

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