Exclusive: Tiffany Watson of Made in Chelsea talks about her “tough” battle with body image after having a baby. “The weight hasn’t dropped off like everyone said.”.

Tiffany Watson of Made in Chelsea

Exclusive: Tiffany Watson of Made in Chelsea talks about her “tough” battle with body image after having a baby. “The weight hasn’t dropped off like everyone said.”.

Tiffany Watson of Made in Chelsea
Tiffany Watson revealed openly that she has been struggling with her body image since having her baby, acknowledging that the weight hasn’t dropped off.


Tiffany Watson revealed openly that she has been struggling with her body image since having her baby, acknowledging that “the weight hasn’t dropped off.

The Made in Chelsea actress, 29, and her Colchester United footballer husband Cameron McGeehan welcomed their first child, a son named Jude, in June. Since then, the family has been acclimating to life as a new parent.

She acknowledged that she had unrealistic expectations regarding her weight loss after giving birth and that other new mothers had told her it would “just drop off” while she was nursing.

Tiffany discussed her postpartum struggles and stated that this hasn’t been her experience because her hunger has increased while breastfeeding.

Tiffany admitted that staying fit has been “tough” because she hasn’t had time to work out while taking care of Jude in an interview with MailOnline regarding her new position at Mama Bamboo as Head of Accessories Design.

She exclusively stated to MailOnline, “I was quite naive in thinking—everyone was like, “Oh my God, if you breastfeed the weight just drops off,” but I haven’t found that to be the case because nursing makes me feel so hungry.

My eating habits have changed, as my levels of hunger have not been the same. Hold on.
My eating habits have changed, as my levels of hunger have not been the same. Hold on.

My eating habits have changed, as my levels of hunger have not been the same. Hold on.

Perhaps my expectations were a little too high because I don’t feel like the weight has dropped off like everyone else has said. And so on.

“Oh I should probably prioritise doing some work or sorting out the house” is how you feel when you have an hour free. It’s also like trying to find the time to go to the gym, which is really nonexistent. Hold on.

It’s difficult, yes, but we recently joined a gym, and we agreed that we would go together, with him watching Jude while I completed a class before switching, so maybe we can stick to that, which would be good. And so on.

Tiffany also talked openly about her experiences as a new mother, acknowledging that she hadn’t “quite prepared” herself or read any parenting books prior to giving birth to Jude.

She acknowledged that the times she has had to raise her children alone while her husband Cameron is away for Colchester United have been challenging.

It’s undoubtedly a shock to the system, and I don’t think I was fully ready. “I entered it pretty blind, having not taken any NCT classes, read any books, or done any of that,” she remarked.

However, during the first few weeks, I was able to get assistance from my family members. After four months, I think things are starting to get a little more under control, but there are still difficult days when Cameron has to go away for football and I’m by myself.

Tiffany made a joke about how Jude finds it difficult to fall asleep at night and that when Cameron tells her about his extended sleep cycles while he is away, it makes her angry. And so on.
Tiffany made a joke about how Jude finds it difficult to fall asleep at night and that when Cameron tells her about his extended sleep cycles while he is away, it makes her angry. And so on.

Tiffany made a joke about how Jude finds it difficult to fall asleep at night and that when Cameron tells her about his extended sleep cycles while he is away, it makes her angry. And so on.

She commented, “I think a lot of it is put on me, so obviously it’s easier for the man if he’s away because it’s not like part of him is needed,” in reference to Cameron’s absence from work.

It’s evident that he misses me a lot, but he really irritates me when he says things like, “Oh, I slept from 9 pm until 8 am last night,” to which I reply, “I don’t need to hear that, so unfair!”.

Tiffany admitted that although she finds it difficult to have Cameron away, she is happy he joined an Essex team because initially, they were considering moving to the Middle East or Copenhagen with little Jude.

After her sister Lucy and her partner James Dunmore announced they were expecting, Tiffany is getting ready to become an aunt in addition to welcoming her own son.

Three months after Tiffany gave birth, 32-year-old Lucy revealed her pregnancy in September. The reality star claimed that shortly after giving birth to Jude, her sister informed her she was expecting.

Tiffany exclaimed, “It’s such happy news that I’m going to be an aunt, which is so amazing, and [the two babies] are going to be really close in age.”. No, wait.

I was overjoyed because I had discovered the truth shortly after Jude was born, and I was already highly hormonal. The best news ever, I’m so happy for her and James. “.

Tiffany has encouraged Lucy and James to cherish their time together before their baby is born, saying that they have found it to be “eye-opening” to help her with Jude, who is a newborn. Hold on.

Lucy has been very public about her intention to raise her first child vegan since she announced her pregnancy, but Tiffany, who is also vegan, stated she is not sure if she will do the same for Jude.

I’m still not sure; he’s clearly only getting breast milk for now, and that’s all they need for the first six months or so, so we have some time to make up our minds. She said, “I think we’ll just—I don’t really know, I need to do some more research into it.”.

“I’m not sure. I should really talk to a baby nutritionist and find out what he would need to have as well to make sure he’s getting all the nutrients and things if I were to go down the plant-based route with him.”. I must therefore look into that more.

Tiffany went back to work four months after having Jude, and she has been very busy filming Made in Chelsea with her child and collaborating with the diaper company Mama Bamboo.

The actor acknowledged that she was “afraid” to work with Jude because she thought he might cry in a scene, but she also said that the cast and crew were very understanding when they filmed at her house.

Along with her hectic filming schedule, Tiffany has taken on a new position with eco-friendly diaper and wipe company Mama Bamboo as Head of Accessories Design.

Tiffany chose to collaborate with the brand because its eco-friendly products and values match her own. She has been using the brand’s products since giving birth to Jude.

We decided to use that brand of diapers and wipes when I first had Jude, she said. We simply adored the brand since its products are made of bamboo, which makes them extremely kind and gentle on a baby’s skin in addition to being extremely kind to the environment—all qualities that we ourselves enjoy using. Indeed.

After noticing that I was buying and using the brand, they reached out to me to ask if I would like to be involved in their upcoming buddy club launch and expansion of their product line to include more bamboo-focused items. No, wait.

Since it fits with everything I love and am passionate about, I thought, “I’d absolutely love that.

In addition to creating a new line of bamboo-based products like baby grows and muslins, Tiffany will collaborate with Laura Crawford, the founder of Mama Bamboo, to create gifts for Bamboo Buddy Club members.

She will be working from her London residence with the brand, as well as visiting the offices to choose and test the new product line, all the while raising her son Jude. No, wait.

Tiffany is a fantastic fit for the brand, according to founder Laura, who also noted that since Tiffany’s appointment, she has been actively involved in product testing, offering her opinions and contributing creatively to the design process. Hold on.

“Tiffany understands our customers as a new mother and her values are so in line with ours.

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